Sunday, August 09, 2009


Now that working on my demo reel isn't so urgent I've taken some time to do some drawing with the only goal of making me smile. I find drawing of any kind really enjoyable and fun. Life drawing, gesture drawing to improve my eye for animation and the occasional commissioned art piece are times I always look forward too. But sometimes I like to escape through my pencil and draw whatever makes me smile.

Wolverine was my favorite Xmen hands down when I was in Junior High and Highschool. I collected his comic religiously from issues in the early 70s, through the loss of his adamantium, and into the Age of Apocalypse. But due to the events that caused him to go feral and a regretable and misguided beliefe that comics were only for kids I stopped collecting. Thankfully I came to my senses although I haven't purchased an issue of Wolverine since. I miss those days.

1 comment:

The Joe said...

You know what I like about this? I like that you're growing into your own style. This Wolverine looks like no one elses. I like it.