Friday, April 30, 2010

30 Monsters 30 Days: 30

Mission completed! My goal for the month of April was to pencil, ink, and paint a new monster every day. And I did it. I wanted to learn more about watercolor and explore some different inking styles and pens. I think it was a really successful experiment. I only had one close call where I almost didn't get the drawing posted in time.

As an animator who works in 3D it easy to ignore my drawing skills and this was a really fun way to keep stretching those drawing/design muscles. I've got some other drawing projects coming up so I won't continue the daily drawing challenge for now. I've been participating in Speakeasy's weekly Swordfish sketch club and will continue to do that. I'll post my previous Swordfish sketches soon. I've been asked to participate in Kevin Burkhalter's Friends of February and I'm super stoked to start that. My drawing had a slow start to 2010 but I feel I'm back on track here and that the rest of the year is going to be a great year for growth.

1 comment:

JAK said...

Nice project dude. Just looked back through them all once again and I'll give you my top 5.

12, 6, 3, 26 and 30. Printed out # 30 as a test run for my newly installed printer/scanner. He is now sitting on my desk watching me.