Monday, November 28, 2005

Belief quotes

A couple of days ago I came across the Pollinate video by the design studio Belief. It was very cool and inspirational. Mike and Cain (who names their kid Cain?) the founder and producer at Belief talked for 40 minutes about creativity and how to nurture it.

I love quotes and love to collect them. Here are some quotes from the video.

What then is the goal for doing what we do? As designers (animators) and producers we should inspect alternative ways of looking at the entire business of broadcast and promotion and the role that we play in the process.

Big budgets/small budgets… they all exert their specific pressures and pitfalls. Every scenario places its own set of demands on the production process.

Don’t just steal from TV (animation) cannibalize the world.

Originality is nothing more than judicious imitation. –Voltaire

The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. –Albert Einstein

What is originality? Undetected plagiarism. –D.W.R. Inge

Brilliance exists in the broad search and the clever linkage of one seemingly unrelated event to another. That sort of functional and engaging translation of one graphical language to another, when handled properly, contains a built in punch line.

A wonderful harmony arises from joining together the seemingly unconnected. –Heraclitus

Imagine a picture of a bear. Next think of a different bear. Now dig deeper and attempt to conjure a third visual of a bear. This is more difficult to imagine. This is the threshold from which original ideas are spawn.

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