Friday, November 11, 2005

Keith Lango Notes

Ever since Keith Lango started up his subscription based Video Tutorial Service I have wanted to check it out. But I avoided plopping down the $14.95 a month because I thought it was too much money. Luckily I came to my sense in September and signed up. Ever since I can’t wait till the 15th of every month comes around when Professor Lango post another tutorial. I have even begun purchasing all the tutorials that I missed. Keith really knows his stuff and is an excellent communicator. Every animation student should check this out. It is worth more than its weight in gold! (How much does a QuickTime file weigh?) This stuff is so good that I plan to keep my subscription going even when my Animation Mentor classes start up.

Each class is about 20 to 25 minutes long and I have watched each one four or five different times just to get everything out of it that I can and to cement it into my memory. I have also taken detailed notes. After email Keith he gave me permission to post my notes here so I can share them with you all. But trust me these notes are not even a fraction of what the videos are. They could never replace the real thing. They are more a written catalyst to help me remember what I have learned.

So heads up I will start posting them soon.

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